About Salem's Riverfront Carousel

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Salem, Oregon, United States
Inspiration: Salem's Riverfront Carousel project was inspired by a trip Hazel Patton took in 1996 to visit family in Missoula, Montana. While there she went to see the first old-world style carousel built in the U.S. since the Great Depression. When Hazel rode the carousel, she knew it was more than the music and motion of the ornately carved and hand-painted horses that created magic in Missoula. The real beauty was how the carousel united the community by combining history with the creative talents of Missoula's citizens. She knew that the citizens of Salem could bring similar magic to the banks of the Willamette River. Vision: The vision of Salem's Riverfront Carousel is to touch the hearts, spark the imaginations and ignite the creative spirits of a broad spectrum of volunteers by creating a work of art that will stand as a historical landmark and an enduring symbol of community pride and cooperation. Mission: The mission of Salem's Riverfront Carousel is to enhance the quality of life in the Willamette Valley by invigorating community cohesiveness, fostering cultural and educational opportunities, creating a living history, and increasing tourism.
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Eagle Head Canes

11:06 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Since February 2007, members of the Capitol
Woodcarvers Club of Salem have been involved in,
a now national, endeavor tagged the ‘Wounded Warrior
Project’. These local artists, (including the Carousel’s own Everett
Koontz, Fritz Geiling, Joe Winter, Michiko Christian, Lois Witherspoon, Don
& Shirley Knepp, Ruth Burden, Janet Webster and newcomers, Charlie and
Mardean King), are carving eagle head canes for injured U.S.
military service personnel. So far more than 130 canes
have been presented to members at the Fort Lewis, WA
facilities. These beautiful and useful works of art are both
an inspiring and uplifting gift, from the hearts of the
artists involved, to the faithful men and women who have
given of themselves in service to our country.
Check out http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/ , http://www.capitolwoodcarvers.org/,
or http://www.salemcarousel.org/ for more information.


9:40 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
The Carousel is closed Mon 11/2 thru Thurs 11/5 for maintenance and holiday decoration. We will reopen Fri 11/6 in full holiday fashion.