About Salem's Riverfront Carousel

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Salem, Oregon, United States
Inspiration: Salem's Riverfront Carousel project was inspired by a trip Hazel Patton took in 1996 to visit family in Missoula, Montana. While there she went to see the first old-world style carousel built in the U.S. since the Great Depression. When Hazel rode the carousel, she knew it was more than the music and motion of the ornately carved and hand-painted horses that created magic in Missoula. The real beauty was how the carousel united the community by combining history with the creative talents of Missoula's citizens. She knew that the citizens of Salem could bring similar magic to the banks of the Willamette River. Vision: The vision of Salem's Riverfront Carousel is to touch the hearts, spark the imaginations and ignite the creative spirits of a broad spectrum of volunteers by creating a work of art that will stand as a historical landmark and an enduring symbol of community pride and cooperation. Mission: The mission of Salem's Riverfront Carousel is to enhance the quality of life in the Willamette Valley by invigorating community cohesiveness, fostering cultural and educational opportunities, creating a living history, and increasing tourism.
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Open Mic Night at the Carousel!

12:04 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
A Family-Friendly Songsters' Showcase

Join us Friday, June 4th, for Salem's newest open mic stage opening!

Do you play? Do you sing? Come join us for a night of music-making and revelry, with the colorful carousel as a beautiful backdrop to an evening of entertainment! Bring your friends and your songs... let's make music!

Sign up begins at 5:30PM, and our first performer will take the stage at 6! Performance slots are given on a first-come first-serve basis, so be sure to get there early! (And friends, let's sing songs our mothers would be proud to hear... there are kids in the park.) See you there!!!

2:49 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Kate & Francis anniversary celebration - May 8th @ the Carousel, starting at 10am. Free cake, autographed books and rides, while supplies last. Who can resist the magic?

Lady Camoolot 'mooooves' from the Carousel to local dairy

1:09 PM Posted In , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »

An adoption, of sorts, took place in Salem recently...

One of the Carousel’s artworks, Lady Camoolot, a fine bejeweled bovine, was transported via truck and trailer, from Salem’s Riverfront Carousel, out to live at the Rickreall Dairy. Tahoma; Lady Camoolot originated in 2001 it is believed. The idea of a cow came from participation in (what is now an international) community art project and fundraiser called ‘CowParade’, where local artisans & businesses were (& are) encouraged to sponsor, create, auction and donate cows to be displayed during the host city’s culminating exhibition event (Portland March 2002). Proceeds go toward various local & international organizations that benefit children. www.cowparade.com. Camoolot – was sponsored by a group from the JantzenBeachSuperCenter in association with its antique C.W. Parker carousel, who had the idea to make a carnival type ‘kow’ for the upcoming ‘Parade’.

They, in turn, enlisted the Salem Carousel’s help, having heard about our building project & scheduled grand opening prior, and secured our artisan painters to do the painting once the fiberglass bovine form was made. Lady Camoolot was then put up for auction and purchased, along with 3 others, by the Harry A. Merlo Foundation) – and after her initial exhibiting – set about to travel on display at various locations before coming to live at the World Forestry Center, (Mr. Merlo is the founder of the Forestry Center) in Portland’s Washington Park, for a period of time.

Then she ‘moooved’ down to Salem, sometime in 2004, where she continued to delight visitors for the next 5 years or so, decked out in her shining armor. The Carousel has limited storage space available and has seen an increase in the number of equine figures they have on display – so an adoption sponsor was facilitated to take on the TLC of her ladyship. Rickreall Dairy and it’s owner, Louie Kazemier, were contacted and enthusiastically agreed to further stable this beautiful, one-of-a-kind cow. Both organizations saw this as a naturally, perfect, new fit.

The Dairy, Carousel, Forestry Center and SuperCenter have entered their respective, high field trip seasons – welcoming over 100+ school children daily at times. Each organization has educational opportunities, especially designed for school groups & children to receive and participate in unique, hands-on learning experiences. Lady Camoolot’s journey will continue now, at the Dairy, as both a valuable piece of community artwork and an added attraction - as well as for photo opportunities and a great conversation piece – sharing the living histories the two cities, four local organizations, one state and an international endeavor share – because of their mutual love & dedication to the health & happiness of children everywhere. For further details and visitors hours to any of these establishments contact:

Salem’s Riverfront Carousel, www.salemcarousel.org 503.540.0374
(* Carousel horses are also offered as display attractions by request)
Rickreall Dairy, LLC (503.871.1743 contact Stacy) http:
www.jantzenbeachsupercenter.com 503.286.9103